By Request, this is a re-posting of pictures and testing information found originally on our
Facebook Page (7/30/2013).
We had a few customers from Europe asking us to test a few items, so thought good time to show you how you can also test at home...
Nickel Testing Solution -- I got mine on Amazon a few years ago... I think they still carry this one.
In particular, they were asking about our Pewter items. This is how a swab looks when NO nickel content is found... Swab is grey.
I always double check to make sure not getting a false-negative ... I usually test with a U.S. Nickle or a button on a pair of jeans, but this morning used a US Quarter -- Nickel content is POSITIVE when swab turns pink-red-rose color.
Here's what the testing solution looks like... and a positive swab (the one from the Quarter test).
When testing on our Cast Sterling Silver Items, the swab solution remained clear - Nickel Content = Negative... Which I already knew! -- We just got done finishing a batch of sterling silver castings, so some restocked items will be appearing on-line today.
We hope this helps those out there trying to determine (at home) whether or not a metal has Nickel content. The kit also has a 'shield' solution you can apply to your items should it contain Nickel and you are sensitive to that metal.
Brightest Blessings to You and Yours.
Silver Enchantments LLC