Anyway, the picture the customer sent had a blue outer rim & white center. It appeared it was 'stabilized' for color on the outside. I asked her how it looked when she wetted it -- Does it have striations or markings throughout the stone that appear when wet? I have yet to receive an answer.
At first glance, the bead actually looked much like Magnesite does... Magnesite is usually 'color shot' and stabilized -- meaning that it's is stabilized with resin and/or waxes for color and durability -- It's inside generally stays white in color.
So, I thought it would be fun to show you what Real Sea Sediment Jasper Beads | Impression Jasper Beads | Imperial Jasper Beads should look like when cracked. This type of jasper is heat-treated so that the color goes throughout the bead.
This is a stone that, if you have the inclination, can also be carved!!

Here's what this stone looks like if you ever decide to crack it -- This is a bead I cracked at random.
This is the profile of the bead / stone in its 'dry' state.
And this is what the bead looks like in it's 'wet' state.
Just add some water & the colors and markings should become much more visible and vibrant.
Hope you find this information helpful!
Silver Enchantments LLC